
Fund Raiser for Smart Homes

In Corona, CA., a 5k race for Tunnels to Towers raised money to provide disabled veterans and first responders a “Smart Home” to allow them work around their disabilities and be able to live independent lives.

On September 11, people around the world remember the tragedy that occurred on that day 2001, but also the heroic efforts and the people that sacrificed themselves to help others on that fateful day, as well as since then.

In a world where there are so many wrongdoings, it is refreshing that there are many who are willing to help, even in the face of their own danger. I wish everyone would take on more of this helping spirit and less of the hurtful one.  The world would be a better place and perhaps we would appreciate each other and our differences rather than kill over them. If only everyone would make a gesture of kindness to a stranger on a daily basis, the world would be happier. Let’s make this a better world.

I wish for you all to find some peace in your own lives and that you share a piece of it with others.

One tired attendee of the Xara Dulzura retreat weekend up in the mountains to the east of San Diego, California, opts out of the tent arrangements and sleeps under a tree. This is the third year for the Creative Mythology Retreat and is held at the Madre Grande Monastery. (Photo by: Jamie Rector)


A quiet moment found at a fun music festival shoot.  I love this shot.  I feel like he’s levitating and somehow seems so out of place in the wilderness.  Funny to know the chaos all around this moment.  In that sense, he is a bit out of place, or at least out of the ordinary.

Have a lovely day!


Southwind Kayak Center in Newport Beach, California, teamed up with The Aquarium of the Pacific, from Long Beach, to provide a three hour nature tour of the Newport Beach bay. A Naturalist from the aquarium provides information on the wildlife that is seen along the three hour journey. Laura Storke and her Father-in-Law Ed search for birds while this one hops past them. (Jamie Rector: For the Times)

A fun shot from a fun assignment.  It’s always nice to be out on the water, but when nature does cool things around you, it’s incredibly exciting!  Just thought I’d share…

Have a lovely day!


Hi All,

I was going to have various categories within this blog to cover photography, gardening, parenting, etc.  I’ve decided to create separate blogs for the various topics and keep each one to it’s own focus.  This one will be all about photography, based on my career, assignments, clients, classes, insights, etc.

This is in connection to the various avenues of my work, including my editorial, corporate, commercial, architectural, set stills work which is linked to my website:  www.jamierector.com
Also with my private commissioned work, including weddings, family portraits, and other privately commissioned events, as well as editorial work in the “family” genre, which is linked to my website at:  www.jamierectorphotography.com

I plan to start posting an array of my current and past favorites as I refresh my workspace and my ability to reach out to the world through this fascinating social media venue.  I hope you enjoy.    With this post, I’m including a fun shot from my travels to Jamaica, where a diver hangs from the top of a tree before he dives gracefully into the waters below.

Oh, and just for the record… I am available for assignment work in the Los Angeles and surrounding areas.  🙂  So give me a call for your next shoot out this way!

Be well,


In Jamaica

A diver shows off his strength before diving from a cliff-hanging tree into the waters below in Jamaica.

Here is a general list of the photography classes that I’m now offering. Actual classes may vary some. The line between beginner and intermediate is soft.  Speak with me about your experience and we’ll get the right class worked out for you. If you have a certain desire, let me know, I’ll add that. Take one or take them all!

*Beginning photography – understanding your camera.

*Beginning photography – understanding the foundations of exposure, composition, lenses, focus, color.

*Beginning photography – organizing and archive.

*Beginning photography – photoshop elements

*Intermediate photography – delving deeper into the foundations:  exposure, composition, lenses, focus, color, patterns, detail.

*Intermediate photography – workflow, deeper organization and archiving, labeling, metadata,

*Intermediate photography – photoshop; tools and techniques, retouching, restoration, sharpening

*Intermediate photography – portraits: the environmental portrait, natural light, portrait lighting, fill light.

*Intermediate photography – lighting:  natural, strobes, wireless flash, off camera flash.

Other topics for beginners and intermediate:

Action:  sports, active kids, events.

Portraits: various circumstances

Events: weddings, corporate events, parades, etc.

Kids:  getting better shots of your munchkins

Pets: getting better shots of your furry (or otherwise) friends.

Nature:  Macro, scenics, animals, environment.

Photography for scrapbookers

and more…

Prices are per person:

2 hour group class:  $75
Weekend adventurer:  4 hour group class: (includes class, assignment and group critique if time permits) $150
Full day:  8 hour group class: (includes class, multiple assignments and group critiques)  $275

Private One-on-one  $100 per hour
PLUS!  Weekend or multi-day workshops.  Cool locations!  Part artist retreat, part classroom, part soul search, part comradery, all fun and educational!  (Includes light breakfast, multiple assignments, group and private critiques, prizes)

2 full-day 1 night:    Without accommodations:  $475
4 day/ 3 night:   Without accommodations:   $875

Other options will be available in the future.  Check the website for the “calendar” of classes:  http://www.jamierectorphotography.com  Also, if you get 10 people together for a class, yours is free and we can schedule it at a mutually convenient time and location.

Learn your camera, hone your skills and let’s have some fun!

Prices and dates subject to change until your spot is officially reserved – reservation fee paid.

Wild Stella

Wild Stella

I’m still testing out my blog. This is another photo of Stella that I like, with our bamboo as background.

Well, I got word from my gardening newsletters that it’s the time to get started on planting the seeds.  So I did.  I’m going to plant several rounds to get everything to harvest at different times, so we should have fresh, organic veggies throughout the entire summer!  Today went in the first set of:  Bell Peppers, Snow Peas, Beets, Kale, Cucumber, radish, arugula, carrots and green onions.  Let’s see how this set of veggies goes.  I’ll plant the same set again in a couple – few weeks and I still have some squash, garden beans, and cauliflower to come soon as well.  Yum!  Wish me luck!

With all these new “deal” sites, I got caught up in the impulse buy of the day and ordered a canvas wall print.  Of course that was about 5.9 months ago and it’s now about to expire. So I finally put together the file to make this canvas.  Naturally, I used photos of my favorite subject, my sweet little Stella.  I can’t wait for this to arrive and I can put up on the walls! Proud mama!!

The Stella Wall Canvas

The Stella Wall Canvas

It’s about time, right?  I get to live a wonderfully exciting life, often guided by my photography.  As a freelancer and knowing that the world wide web has a potential of an amazing audience, I have decided it is time to hop on the blog train – again. 

Long ago, when I was on my travels in Europe, I started the Sojournals. It is a form of blogging, I suppose, long before I heard anything about blogs.  As my sister and I traveled together, I shared our many adventures through mass emails to friends and family.  This seems to be a much more streamlined way of getting these messages out there.  Now, as so many people have their own “Sojournals”, I strive to keep this as fresh as my original Sojournals were. 

I’ll start with a photo that I took several years before, but recently rediscovered due to a conversation about  my travels to Cambodia.  This was one of the many temples I visited while I was there.  I was in awe at the power of nature as this giant tree grew right over the top of these ancient ruins.  Fascinating. 

